Saturday, January 8, 2011

Website Update and New Blog

Website Update and New Blog

January 8, 2011

By Julie Kay Smithson, AWM (Always Wiggles' Mommy) aka LookingOut4Them

It's a new year and past time to catch readers up on events. This website has languished for ten months, waiting on the person whose idea it was to start the site, to supply it with updated information. Numerous requests for this information have been met with delays, excuses, etc. Bottom line: I already work eighty hours a week and cannot put any more of myself into keeping this web log aka blog updated and current/correct in its information.

Ohio is in the throes of a major change in its dog wardens. More than fifteen percent of the dog wardens on the contact list are no longer in their jobs due to retirement, job restructuring or termination.

So, I will occasionally post helpful, articles, information, etc., but will not be keeping the dog warden contact list information updated. Thank you for understanding.

On a new note, my own beloved dog, Wiggles Blue Heeler -- who shared his life and love with me unconditionally for over twelve years and who loved the whole world and everyone in it -- shed his earthly trappings on Sunday morning, December 5th, 2010.

A celebration of Wiggles' life was held on December 11th, 2010. We had two half-sheet cakes, each with a photo, lots of photos, blank notecards with a photo for folks to write remembrances in, and kisses. Wiggles stock-in-trade was kisses -- one of his nicknames was Many Kisses -- and this was the year Hershey made individually-boxed, 1 1/2-ounce kisses. There was a kiss for each of Wiggles' friends, his last gift to them. I highly recommend a celebration of life for others whose beloved pets are known to a number of folks. Just be sure to bring a few boxes of Kleenex to set on the tables!

For those of you that knew Wiggles, you know that he will live forever in our hearts. He was a miracle worker and I was always certain that he was a gift on loan from God. I am thankful beyond words for every moment of every day, week, month and year that Wiggles graced my life with his physical presence, and am grieving much, but trying to use Wiggles' ever-positive outlook to help heal.

Please visit this new blog, Wiggles Blue Heeler, at: enjoy it, take the poll (right side), and share with everyone you know that loves animals and appreciates unconditional love. It is my prayer that not only me, but also others, will be helped by it.

I'm also working on Wiggles' book, which will hopefully be completed by July 19 (his birthday).

Have you a remembrance of Wiggles Blue Heeler that you'd like to share? Please comment on this article to share with me.